Broadband internet may be plentiful in big cities, but rural areas still are running slower than modern standards
The Snohomish Block Party is an annual 2-day festival
The Big One is coming, and Wayne Connell, for one, wants to be ready.
A proposed new site for an addiction clinic in downtown Monroe will also help East County residents with opioid dependence as far away as Index.
Swifts Night Out event at Frank Wagner Elementary School
The nation’s baby formula shortage has left at least some food banks sometimes going without.
The Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum at Paine Field has a new collection owner who intends to reopen the museum by year’s end.
A new teen mentorship program has emerged looking to offer teens a safe place to hang out
At the Aug. 16 City Council meeting, the Snohomish County Assessor is expected to show their office’s calculations on the tax impacts for the broader area if council proceeds with a local development tax exemption for the Midtown District
County prosecutors filed a charge Thursday against the owner of SnoTown Brewery on an accusation he molested a pre-teen girl
A few new park rules would let children establish little businesses and put a ban on flying drones overhead.
Somebody broke and took half the bronze bat from the hands of a girl memorialized in the statue at Lake Tye Park
The 30-some employees in the county’s inpatient recovery and treatment facility acknowledged the center’s one-year anniversary of operations with a sheet cake and soda pop Aug. 2.
The state still would like the rebel barber of Avenue D to pay up a slew of fines which he’s said before are a violation of his Constitutional rights to make a living.
Leaders in Snohomish County government announced Monday, Aug. 8 the intent to buy the Days Inn hotel