A Monroe man was jailed for shooting at another Monroe driver
A plan is in the early stages to put the Snohomish Veterans Memorial obelisk monument back to standing on the Carnegie Building’s grounds at First and Cedar.
The state Supreme Court paused on implementing a rule that would heavily limit juvenile names
The Lake Stevens man behind a string of thefts from the Snohomish Home Depot earlier this year
State Sen. Keith Wagoner and state Rep. Carolyn Eslick of the 39th Legislative District presented highlights of this year’s legislative session
When an urban rail system reaches Lynnwood as soon as summer 2024, it could be a game-changer for the county.
“It is time to raise our guard again”
Upcoming public free dump days postponed
Thousands of motorcycles from across the state will descend on the city Sunday
Snohomish High’s theater club is time-traveling a Broadway classic to the beat of a different drum for its rendition of “Once Upon A Mattress,” which has two more weekends of performances.
Everett Transit has announced its proposal plans to modify fares for its bus services.
The City Council wants to take a new comprehensive look on downtown parking.
The Delta Neighborhood plans to install traffic circles and missing sidewalks using neighborhood funds and a $1,500 grant from Walk America.
Echo Lake Community Club president Janet Macher was seeking an activity to forge bonds in her isolated, rural neighborhood between Woodinville and Monroe.
The Monroe School District will not be laying off teachers this year, instead pulling up to $7 million from its available reserves as a safeguard if its second try at a levy doesn’t pass in November.