A team of local girls took medals in Fort Worth over Easter Weekend
A Snohomish man has been volunteering to clean headstones with his spare time to ensure the dead are honored.
Mountiain Loop Highway is open again
Farmers market season nears
Jackson and Kamiak baseball action in the April 17 Tribune.
Federal numbers show a slight increase in the amount of land being used for farming in Snohomish County. Here's the story
Coverage of the 2024 Monroe State of the City
Road safety and plans are getting prominent attention in Snohomish.
Coverage of the Snohomish fire training burns
The environmental impact report of the new Harvey Field runway proposal is out, and taking comments until May. A meeting is in May.
Snohomish County sees 81% of fentanyl-positive urine samples test positive for meth, report says
A story on the legalities of carrying a gun in a vehicle. Also, there have already been 12 instances of thefts of firearms from cars in Everett.
Update on the March 17 crash.
The introduction of an Auto-IRA program for Washington State starting in 2027 could close the gap for numerous people without retirement savings.