Two badly hurt in head-on on Old Snohomish-Monroe Road
Photo from the PUD Energy Block Party
A letter to the editor in the May 1 Tribune.
Photo from Monroe's Arbor Day celebration
MONROE – On Monday night, Seattle Police caught up with a prisoner who escaped from the Monroe prison on Friday.
Decisions on Everett’s special tax levy ballot measure are expected at the April 24 City Council meeting with a final vote May 1.
MONROE -- The league is celebrating its silver anniversary season and opened with a perfect day of baseball.
SNOHOMISH -- The Robert S. Keaton fishing dock was closed in January out of safety concern. The city is not in a position yet to take steps to act on reopening it.
A letter in the April 24 Tribune responding to an accusation against Snohomish City Hall
SNOHOMISH — PAWS, the animal shelter, will be soon opening a larger new center on 25 acres south of Snohomish
SNOHOMISH -- The story of the annual flowers on Snohomish High's lawn.
EVERETT — The city is planning to create a proposed 2.1-acre nature park and stormwater facility at the southwest corner of the intersection of Holly Drive and 100th Street SW.
A story on a zebra, a school plan and more in the April 24 paper.
EVERETT — The city Historical Commission held off granting a certificate authorizing the alteration of Clark Park to remove its historic gazebo.
A letter in the April 24 Tribune about food insecurity and solutions on this