Snohomish County Tribune all news


Two badly hurt in head-on on Old Snohomish-Monroe Road

Two badly hurt in head-on on Old Snohomish-Monroe Road

High-fives for energy

Photo from the PUD Energy Block Party

Last week’s letter reinforced the point


A letter to the editor in the May 1 Tribune.

Monroe celebrates Arbor Day

Photo from Monroe's Arbor Day celebration

Escaped Monroe prisoner apprehended

MONROE – On Monday night, Seattle Police caught up with a prisoner who escaped from the Monroe prison on Friday.

Decisions on Everett’s special tax levy ballot measure expected

Decisions on Everett’s special tax levy ballot measure are expected at the April 24 City Council meeting with a final vote May 1.

Miracle League gets everyone in the game: The league is celebrating its silver anniversary season

MONROE -- The league is celebrating its silver anniversary season and opened with a perfect day of baseball.

Closed Snohomish fishing dock awaits city funding plan

There are other docks available on Blackman Lake

SNOHOMISH -- The Robert S. Keaton fishing dock was closed in January out of safety concern. The city is not in a position yet to take steps to act on reopening it.

Public accusation misses point


A letter in the April 24 Tribune responding to an accusation against Snohomish City Hall

PAWS nears opening day for Snohomish animal shelter

SNOHOMISH — PAWS, the animal shelter, will be soon opening a larger new center on 25 acres south of Snohomish

Who’s behind the class year flowers on Snohomish High’s lawn?

SNOHOMISH -- The story of the annual flowers on Snohomish High's lawn.

Everett’s Holly Neighborhood to get future nature park

EVERETT — The city is planning to create a proposed 2.1-acre nature park and stormwater facility at the southwest corner of the intersection of Holly Drive and 100th Street SW.

NEWS BITES for April 24, 2024

A story on a zebra, a school plan and more in the April 24 paper.

Everett historians seek to save Clark Park gazebo, Historical Commission balks at blessing removal

EVERETT — The city Historical Commission held off granting a certificate authorizing the alteration of Clark Park to remove its historic gazebo.

Childrens' poverty can be reduced


A letter in the April 24 Tribune about food insecurity and solutions on this