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Everett 'river rights' initiative an unwieldy idea with consequences


A letter opposing Everett Iniative 24-03 about the river.

Mayor Redmon’s Snohomish budget invests in water, sewer lines

SNOHOMISH — Mayor Linda Redmon’s proposed $115.5 million biennial budget includes major replacements of the city’s water and sewer lines, as well as traffic-calming and pedestrian infrastructure.

Mary Anderson has true integrity


A letter for Mary Anderson for judge.

Judicial candidate Mary Anderson is community-focused


A letter for Mary Anderson for Judge.

Boeing workers decide against new contract, continue strike

EVERETT — Boeing assemblers are anticipated to vote Oct. 23 on whether to accept a renegotiated contract that union leaders agreed to present to employees.

Monroe Council chooses to ok automated traffic cameras without voters’ views

MONROE — The City Council is taking a step toward potentially authorizing automated traffic cameras in town without taking an advisory vote of the people.

Everett’s three ballot measures include two competing minimum wage increases

Big money and grassroots efforts have been part of Everett’s three ballot measures include two competing minimum wage increases

Economic Alliance Snohomish County seeking new CEO

Economic Alliance group seeking new head

Plan builds 80 homeless beds in Everett by ‘26 at Mission to replace downtown church’s shelter

EVERETT — Eighty new beds to give temporary housing to homeless people along Smith Avenue are expected to open by the end of 2026 under a county grant of $4 million given to the city.

Keeping Parks Beautiful

From front to back volunteer, neighborhood association member Tammie Gere, Annie Allred of the Everett City Parks Department, volunteer Lou Rector and city arborist Stuart Chadwick all plant new shrubs, trees and flowers in Lions Park in Everett on a picture-perfect Saturday morning Oct. 12. The volunteers planted the greenery into prepared beds.

Pumpkin season thrives in the area

Local farms have opened their gates to embrace the fall season once again. Here's a great selection of what's new and what's happening in the Snohomish region.

County’s Prop. 1 asks for 0.2¢ sales tax for safety

County’s Prop. 1 asks for 0.2¢ sales tax for safety

Many reasons to vote yes on Monroe Prop. 1


A letter on Monroe Proposition 1 on November ballots.

Concerns fire trainings put pollution, asbestos fiber in air


A letter about fire trainings.

Snohomish utility bill increases criticized as burdensome

Snohomish utility bill increases criticized as burdensome

Snohomish farms highlighted in new book

Snohomish farms highlighted in new book

Vote no on Initiative 2124 to preserve WA Cares Fund


A letter telling people to oppose Initiative 2124 on November ballots.

Snohomish Boys & Girls Club opens brand-new teen center

SNOHOMISH -- The Snohomish Boys & Girls' Club's Teen Center big reveal.