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Prison-unit mothball plans by state DOC makes cuts in Monroe

The state prison system is consolidating capacity, including in Monroe

Blackman Lake facing difficulties for healthy longevity

Blackman Lake is still struggling. Water clarity is getting murkier. Phosphorous, which robs water of oxygen, is increasing. Some described that Blackman Lake is undergoing a slow, natural process of dying. A 2021 look at the situation.

Fentanyl overdoses soaring as trends change

A candelight vigil will be Tuesday, Aug. 31 at County Campus, 3000 Rockefeller Ave.

How Everett Police will adhere to police reform laws

Multiple police reform laws that went in effect July 25 will restrict and modify how law enforcement deals with crimes.

Everett "Rethink Housing" proposals ask city to change zoning to accomodate growth and add protections for tenants

Short-term strategies in the city’s housing action plan to accommodate growth could start being implemented as soon as 2022, city planners say.

Vaccine mandate protestors come to Snohomish, Lake Stevens

Dozens of people gathered in downtown Snohomish on Sunday, Aug. 15

Return of mask orders borne by factors influencing COVID-19 spike

When county health officer Dr. Chris Spitters directed everyone — vaccinated or not — to wear masks inside public space

Officers can still …

What new WA police accountability laws do and don’t do

Snohomish School District talks Critical Race Theory, masks

During an Aug. 4 community meeting, the Snohomish School District discussed what to expect when students return in the fall

Regional light rail line to reach Everett later than first envisioned

Sound Transit dealing with funding complications

Most state employees, contractors, all private health care workers must be vaccinated by mid-October as condition of employment in new governor's order* Snohomish County Government to be thoughtful,

From those employed within the Department of Corrections to state social workers to road construction crews to multiple other branches of government

To help growth, Everett plan suggests to allow duplexes in today’s single-home areas

What kinds of future housing should sprout, and where, are key pieces to the city’s Housing Action Plan.

Everett District 5 challengers differ on solving city issues

Three people are angling to represent residents in City Council District 5 covering southeast Everett.

Snohomish mayoral candidates speak to issues

Two prominent names in city politics and a newcomer who wants to revolutionize the city’s governance model are each aiming to advance from August’s primary election to November’s ballot.

Candidates for Everett District 3 diverge on transit, city approach

The candidates for the council district covering western Everett are split on topics such as transit and taxes.

Snohomish looks at how to create more affordable housing

The City Council last week discussed affordable housing and the changes needed to the city’s zoning to meet its goals.

Everett budget plans being developed in long shadow of deficit

The City of Everett has an estimated $16.5 million deficit next year,

Snohomish County loosens rules for add-on living spaces

Wanting to diversify housing stock, the County Council has loosened the rules to let rural homeowners add more places to live on their property.