Webbly needs better stomping grounds.
Snohomish Avenue D yard bid price
A recently discovered virus in a Russian bat that is similar to SARS-CoV-2
Mayor Cassie Franklin’s proposed $543.7 million budget avoids service cuts
Lyndsay, Miles and Justin Lamb, pictured above.
A formal proposal would ban the sale of new gas-powered and gas-electric hybrid vehicles by 2035 statewide.
In specific ways, people can help the many residents evacuated by the wildfire in forest land near Skykomish
Some 2,977 American flags, one for each life lost in the 9/11 attacks, covered the grass alongside Union Avenue late last week.
County Councilman Nate Nehring's effort to introduce a stipulation that illicit drug users must go through treatment
Countywide opioid overdose vigil Aug. 31
Nurses are feeling stretched thin by patient loads at Providence Everett
The County Council signed a three-year contract to apply herbicides in various lakes, including potentially Lake Roesiger, to control invasive plants.
The trees around the Avenue A gazebo needed to come down after all.
Broadband internet may be plentiful in big cities, but rural areas still are running slower than modern standards
A proposed new site for an addiction clinic in downtown Monroe will also help East County residents with opioid dependence as far away as Index.
Swifts Night Out event at Frank Wagner Elementary School
At the Aug. 16 City Council meeting, the Snohomish County Assessor is expected to show their office’s calculations on the tax impacts for the broader area if council proceeds with a local development tax exemption for the Midtown District
The state still would like the rebel barber of Avenue D to pay up a slew of fines which he’s said before are a violation of his Constitutional rights to make a living.
Toxic blue-green algae spotted on Blackman Lake Monday, July 25
On Aug. 4-7, an all-day Paint Jam event is coming to Everett, bringing with it the creation of 30 new murals throughout the city