Local student wins character contest
A twister tore Dorothy from home and landed her in a strange place, seemingly with no way back. She would later find out that what she needed to get home was inside her all along.
For the estimated half of Everett Transit riders who fall below 200 percent of the federal poverty line, the agency plans to introduce a low-income fare rate.
The city’s bus system doesn’t plan to bring back Sunday service anytime soon. Bus service on holidays is also being cut.
Everett City Council district map nears completion
Mayor Cassie Franklin’s proposed budget for 2020 continues to work on clamping down the built-in costs in running a city without eroding its core functions.
City planners are beaming that the city has just gone paperless for all planning and permitting files.
A state labor fairness board in January dismissed a complaint filed by the county jailers’ union
A Snohomish man is recovering from a serious dirt biking accident earlier this month, but it won’t be cheap.
A state advisory group last week forwarded a mixed “no” recommendation to the state Board of Health
Another piece to how the city’s municipal campus plan may come together is now clearer
A patriotic parade will occur at 11 a.m. through downtown
Service Employees International Union 1199NW held a demonstration with a picket line
The City Council last week asked city staff to bring back details for creating a City of Snohomish-specific affordable housing sales tax
Students, teachers, and staff in Snohomish School District schools are participating in a COVID-19 testing project
May replace six schools
EVERETT — The city is planning to create a proposed 2.1-acre nature park and stormwater facility at the southwest corner of the intersection of Holly Drive and 100th Street SW.
What new WA police accountability laws do and don’t do
Fire District 4 will be asking voters this August to restore its levy rate to $1.50 per $1,000 in assessed property tax value.
Snohomish is the 11th most expensive city within Washington for household bills