In Snohomish, the fire-damaged building along Second Street will be fixed, city permit docs say.
Algae makes Blackman Lake unsafe
The Midtown Planning District Task Force is nearing the end of its work with its next meeting 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9.
County budget public hearings coming in October
Everett Community College will not shut its Early Learning Center
Eleanor Leight, whose dance skills helped her land a performing role with the Radio City Rockettes
Methamphetamine contamination needs to be cleared out of the former Days Inn hotel
Indie horror film opens in Monroe
Jackson High School’s robotics team came home with a division victory in the FIRST world robotics championships
Recent rains and anticipated cooler weather conditions mean recreational campfires and fire pits are allowed again.
Senior centers, libraries, other spaces will be cooling centers
Mukilteo has put out a public survey on renaming the Mukilteo Speedway (state Route 525) between Beverly Park Road and 1st Street within Mukilteo.
The final Midtown Planning District Task Force meeting will be 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 9 before it shoots off the recommendations to the city's Planning Commission for more work.
All zombies and ghouls are invited to gather Saturday, Oct. 30
Where should the future Light Link Rail be routed through Everett? What should be demolished to make way for some of the line?
Backups in transferring trash by rail caused Snohomish County to close all county dumps Sundays, Sept. 18.
The Carnegie annex could begin coming down as soon as next week. City administrator Steve Schuller released a preliminary timeline developed from discussing with the city’s hired contractor.
"ReThink Zoning" effort
The Port of Everett’s annual free, family-friendly program will be back on Friday nights at the Port’s Boxcar Park.
Snohomish County PUD will not increase rates after all