All results / Stories / Michael Whitney

Blackman Lake phosphorous controls proposed on developments

SNOHOMISH — A proposal to protect the Blackman Lake watershed would place new requirements on development in the immediate area of the lake

The Murder on Pine

On May 28, 1933, blood shed at a house at Pine and Fourth with the crack of a gun.

Reduced bus fares for low-income riders coming to Everett Transit, Community Transit

For the estimated half of Everett Transit riders who fall below 200 percent of the federal poverty line, the agency plans to introduce a low-income fare rate.

Goal behind Police Dept. model change is consistency

Police Chief Keith Rogers would like to slow the “revolving door” among patrol officers at the department.

Snohomish Farmers Market hits 30 seasons of freshness on May 6

Opening day for the Snohomish Farmers Market on Thursday, May 6

Gang crimes down, and police want measures to stick

In Everett, gang violence is down, and the Police Department and community groups hope to make inroads on steering kids clear.

Everett "Rethink Housing" proposals ask city to change zoning to accomodate growth and add protections for tenants

Short-term strategies in the city’s housing action plan to accommodate growth could start being implemented as soon as 2022, city planners say.

Snohomish High's homecoming dance changing to be informal

Yes, there will be homecoming activities at Snohomish High this year.

Funding to build Bickford/Weaver traffic light appears promising

The city could score a $733,000 grant to construct a traffic signal, and have other improvements, at Bickford Avenue and Weaver Road.

Car thief whose crash blocked U.S. 2 in court, threatened victim with gun

The driver who led a police chase before causing U.S. 2 to be closed for hours Oct. 1 was promptly hauled before an Everett District Court judge last week.

Annual homeless persons survey Jan. 24 seeks volunteers

The annual Point in Time Homelessness Count will be happening Tuesday, Jan. 24

Aircraft museum at Paine Field may reopen this year; collection bought

The Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum at Paine Field has a new collection owner who intends to reopen the museum by year’s end.

Mental health pro selected for Snohomish school board

The school board’s newest member is Sarah Adams.

Snohomish Farmers Market to move again

The weekly Thursday afternoon Snohomish Farmers Market is moving back to Cedar and Pearl as soon as this week.

Monkeypox now in Snohomish County

A case of Monkeypox was logged in a Snohomish County man

Periodic mandatory testing for drug residue atcounty-owned homeless shelter facilities proposed

County Councilman Nate Nehring has introduced an ordinance to require annual testing of drug chemicals in county-owned supportive housing facilities.

Food bank in Monroe broken into

The phone call made Matt Campbell’s heart sink.

Everett Station area improvement plan city has proposed by using localized taxes put on pause

The city pulled back its plan to introduce a special assessment tax to fund improvements in the area around Everett Station in part after property owners challenged data suggesting the majority of owners favor the idea.

Everett may formally pursue red light cameras

City officials are asking the City Council to authorize soliciting bids from automated traffic camera companies to have red light cameras in the city

Police shoot murder suspect in Clearview grocery store parking lot

Three law enforcement officers with a King County-based SWAT agency shot a murder suspect as the result of an incident