All results / Stories / Michael Whitney

Wide WA 12th Leg. District, which includes Monroe, has election shakeup with state Rep. seat open

Update: A SnoCo-based challenger appears

MONROE — A shakeup is happening in the 12th Legislative District after Sen. Brad Hawkins opted to not run for re-election.

If Snohomish wins national contest, prize would kickstart gazebo renovation

The city’s in the running to win a national small-town contest that would award a cool $25,000.

News Bites for April 14, 2021

Midtown to be Council topic April 20

Pitch to establish Snohomish as ‘sanctuary city’ to be explored

SNOHOMISH — In the coming weeks, city leaders will explore making Snohomish a sanctuary city for unauthorized immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community.

Public defender case limits per lawyer may reduce if rules change, worrying cities of budget costs to hire more lawyers

Public defenders need to be juggling fewer cases per year, says the state’s bar association. The state court system is considering it. It could frame up a conflict of priorities, though. Indigent defense is taxpayer-paid out of local government budgets, and they’re already strapped.

Walsh Hills public hearing before hearing examiner done

A public hearing on the merits of a proposed 111--house subdivision

Public meeting about Baker Heights is March 23

The Everett Housing Authority will provide updates on the Baker Heights project at a meeting Tuesday, March 23 starting at 6 p.m. online.

Police hesitant toward certain bills in Legislature that apply new controls

House Bill 1203 would require cities to create a citizen oversight board that can look into and reshape how a local Police Department operates.

Everett council 4-3 in instituting labor mandate

By a 4-3 council vote, the city will use mandatory project labor agreements on major city projects above $5 million

Historic Clark Park gazebo to be removed

The 103-year-old gazebo at Clark Park will be removed because of safety concerns at the park, Mayor Cassie Franklin made public late last month.

Frontier Communications is selling its Northwest service operations

Insiders say telecom company may seek bankruptcy

Housing Hope proposes new plan on Norton

Giving a second try, the nonprofit Housing Hope last month introduced a revised site plan to put an affordable housing complex on three acres of the Norton Playfield at 36th Street and Norton Avenue.

Everett historians seek to save Clark Park gazebo, Historical Commission balks at blessing removal

EVERETT — The city Historical Commission held off granting a certificate authorizing the alteration of Clark Park to remove its historic gazebo.

Everett council starting to see two camps with differing philosophies

Two emerging camps among City Council members again had a split vote, this time on who would lead as council president for 2023.

County’s Prop. 1 asks for 0.2¢ sales tax for safety

County’s Prop. 1 asks for 0.2¢ sales tax for safety

Paine Field could be designated to grow

A state airports committee is suggesting to either greatly grow services at Everett’s Paine Field

New tax levy for Everett Station area proposed, hearing Dec. 14

The Everett Station District Alliance has revived its proposal

Clark Park gazebo removal and dog park plan at Everett Council this Wednesday

EVERETT - The City Council this week will begin deliberations to approve a plan to remove and store the Clark Park gazebo and install a dog park. A final vote is June 5.

Most state employees, contractors, all private health care workers must be vaccinated by mid-October as condition of employment in new governor's order* Snohomish County Government to be thoughtful,

From those employed within the Department of Corrections to state social workers to road construction crews to multiple other branches of government

Monroe city budget coming up for discussion

Mayor Geoffrey Thomas's proposed $198 million 2023-2024 two-year budget adds staff and continues progress on plans framed by the city's six-prong "Imagine Monroe" vision that focuses on people.