The nonprofit PAWS is expanding its Wildlife Hospital at a new location off of state Route 9 that is six times bigger to better serve wild animals in need
Police are spreading photos of murder suspect Shawntea Hamilton far and wide in a growing search for her.
This month, Monroe city employees are moving to temporary offices while the city hall’s administrative wing will soon go through a renovation.
The Washington Ferret Rescue and Shelter is a nonprofit, no-kill shelter that aims to adopt ferrets to loving homes
Snohomish's incoming police chief, sheriff’s Lt. Mike Martin, is making rounds to introduce himself in Snohomish.
Residents in some parts of Snohomish, Monroe and Lake Stevens found literature promoting the “White Lives Matter”
Says mold in Madison Elementary forced her home sick but requests for accommodations were denied
Wildfire Ready Neighbors, a free program that helps homeowners and renters protect their homes from wildfire damage
Northbound and southbound State Route 9 in Lake Stevens will close
It used to be that summertime meant no lunch for some children out of school
The city has canceled its contract with a utility line builder that was replacing pipes in a block of Avenue D
A Catholic church, a homeless outreach nonprofit and the city
The public can meet future Snohomish Police Chief Mike Martin
A ban on outdoor burning set June 9 across Snohomish County
Every year, a group of volunteers conducts a count of people experiencing homelessness in all United States counties in the month of January.
When the Everett Farmers Market opened for the first time in July 1994
North Creek, a salmon-bearing stream,
Spokane mom Megan Pirie considers free preschool a blessing.
Service Employees International Union 1199NW held a demonstration with a picket line
Snohomish will host its first annual Pride Festival