
Everett Planning Commission mixed on accommodating Housing Hope project in historic area

A nonprofit’s request to upzone an area and clip the boundaries of a historic neighborhood so it can build a low-income housing apartment project


Omicron variant still poses unknowns

State health officials said Dec. 21 there have been 400 Omicron variant cases logged so far, and the first in Snohomish County appeared last week.


Everett innovation hub wants to spark big, homegrown ideas

TheLab@everett is all about getting creativity and collaboration flowing and helping entrepreneurs clear away the roadblocks to success. But while the concept and tools are sophisticated, there’s also plenty of joe and the ability to purchase 24/7 access to facilitate brainstorms.


Plan builds 80 homeless beds in Everett by ‘26 at Mission to replace downtown church’s shelter

EVERETT — Eighty new beds to give temporary housing to homeless people along Smith Avenue are expected to open by the end of 2026 under a county grant of $4 million given to the city.


Could rail crossings be eventually separated in Monroe?

Almost every city resident has experienced waiting for the train to pass through. But what if the roads didn’t cross the rails?


Why is Port asking to tax more people?


A letter to the editor in the May 29 Tribune.


AFK Tavern, Everett’s haven for geeks, closes

The commanders of AFK Tavern, on 41st Street, are faced with folding their cards.


Everett’s Holly Neighborhood to get future nature park

EVERETT — The city is planning to create a proposed 2.1-acre nature park and stormwater facility at the southwest corner of the intersection of Holly Drive and 100th Street SW.


Snohomish’s future 10-acre Homestead Park to be designed


Snohomish’s future 10-acre Homestead Park to be designed


City of Mukilteo launches survey on renaming Mukilteo Speedway

Mukilteo has put out a public survey on renaming the Mukilteo Speedway (state Route 525) between Beverly Park Road and 1st Street within Mukilteo.


Bill Mester, community-minded leader ofSnohomish Schools, dies

Thoughtful and compassionate. Inquisitive and introspective.


Wolfpack, howl! Everett’s arena football team

EVERETT -- The Washington Wolfpack arena football team is tearing up the field.


Snohomish council candidates both concerned about public safety

Two candidates are vying for the City Council seat being vacated by Karen Guzak, a former mayor and active business owner who is ready to pass the torch after 12 years in elected office.


Snohomish mayoral candidates speak to issues

Two prominent names in city politics and a newcomer who wants to revolutionize the city’s governance model are each aiming to advance from August’s primary election to November’s ballot.


Miracle League gets everyone in the game

Don Purvis’ voice booms across the Rotary Field parking lot.


Fire District 4 seals Pine Avenue land buy

The final price was $6.35 million for Fire District 4 to buy the block of Pine Avenue between Third and Fourth streets.


Enjoy a peaceful lake and mountain views

HIKE OF THE MONTH: Peek-a-boo Lake (off of Mountain Loop Highway)


Stag barber not off hook for state's slew of fines

The state still would like the rebel barber of Avenue D to pay up a slew of fines which he’s said before are a violation of his Constitutional rights to make a living.


Clark Park project is to construct off-leash dog park to replace historic gazebo

EVERETT — The city has temporarily fenced off Clark Park at 24th and Lombard to begin deconstructing the park’s historic gazebo and constructing an off-leash dog play area in its place. City spokeswoman Simone Tarver said it could take until summer, when the 2,700-square-foot dog park is scheduled to be complete, before the fence is taken away.


Snohomish residents adapting to plastic bag ban

Meg and Royce Gray exit the Haggen in Snohomish with pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. A city ordinance banning plastic bags went into effect at the start of 2020.