
Food banks prepare to feed more people

Local food banks are readying themselves for people who suddenly have less to spend on groceries because of coronavirus-related layoffs.


League makes call to protect trees in future countywide planning policies

Protecting and adding to urban tree canopies should be a new section written into the county’s general planning policy book, says The League of Women Voters of Snohomish County.


Monkeypox now in Snohomish County

A case of Monkeypox was logged in a Snohomish County man


Sheriff Johnson sets new command staff

Sheriff Susanna Johnson was sworn-in the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 2


Food bank in Monroe broken into

The phone call made Matt Campbell’s heart sink.


Apartments proposed at North Kelsey site

The next construction project in the North Kelsey area could be a densely packed apartment complex standing three stories tall.


Come for Wintertide celebration starting Nov. 27 in EverettPublic ice rink at Port of Everett

Visitors and residents are invited to Everett’s annual Wintertide


Thank you for story on Community Kitchen


A letter of appreciation.


Monroe readying to build its new City Hall

This month, Monroe city employees are moving to temporary offices while the city hall’s administrative wing will soon go through a renovation.


Everett Mall's transformation would cut it up

It might not be readily apparent, but redevelopment of the Everett Mall is underway.


NEWS BITES for May 11, 2022

Upcoming public free dump days postponed


Park names debate settles down

After a sometimes contentious three-year process, five Snohomish parks are nearly ready to debut new names.


Monroe’s new tracker K-9 already making catches

He’s a playful pup, until he’s directed to pursue.


Tribune NEWS BITES for June 9, 2021

Carnegie restoration wins state award


Coloring book of Snohomish features historical homes

A Snohomish Panther has produced a brand-new coloring book of 20 historic homes from around Snohomish.


Snohomish gaining pre-pro soccer team in the USL

Snohomish will have a USL2 League team which will start playing in 2025.


Delta goes its own way to add traffic controls, new sidewalks for neighborhood safety

The Delta Neighborhood plans to install traffic circles and missing sidewalks using neighborhood funds and a $1,500 grant from Walk America.


Hobbs’ wide-ranging road fix package banks on tax increases

Proposal would accelerate fixes to 522, U.S. 2, Highway 9


Fire District 7 asking to return levy rate to $1.50

Fire District 7 is returning to the voters to ask for a levy lid lift, after a summertime funding request was defeated at the polls.


Everett may allow more marijuana shops to open with October vote

Soon, three new marijuana shops could open around town, if the council increases Everett’s cannabis store limit to eight.