A proposed new site for an addiction clinic in downtown Monroe will also help East County residents with opioid dependence as far away as Index.
Service Employees International Union 1199NW held a demonstration with a picket line
The Tribune answers residents’ questions about Mayor John Kartak and City Councilman Larry Countryman’s 2021 campaign filings
It may surprise some voters to hear that school board candidates Chuck Whitfield and Melanie Ryan agree on similar issues.
The Monroe Municipal Court congratulated the latest graduate of the community court
Residents of Snohomish are proud of their town; they can balance the feeling of history in downtown, and festivals help continue its small-town feel.
The Snohomish School Board meeting held on June 9 was a roller coaster of emotion.
After two years of temporary pastors, Zion Lutheran Church of Snohomish welcomed the Rev. Don Stults to lead their congregation.
The City Council last week discussed affordable housing and the changes needed to the city’s zoning to meet its goals.
Everett Improv offers live shows, improv classes, karaoke, painting experiences and, “anything you can dream of within reason and law”