Everett AquaSox action in the June 26 Tribune
A letter on SNAP benefits in the June 26 Tribune.
A letter in the June 26th Tribune opposing an idea put forward to the City Council.
Splash pads help beat the heat
The newsroom at the Herald had a large wave of layoffs and this week union members have been on strike.
Dairy farming in Snohomish County, as a whole, has less farms, but really the market is shifting for a number of reasons.
Schools are letting out for the summer and local area children seeking a reliable source of food are eligible to participate in free summer meal programs. Information for Snohomish County.
Public defenders need to be juggling fewer cases per year, says the state’s bar association. The state court system is considering it. It could frame up a conflict of priorities, though. Indigent defense is taxpayer-paid out of local government budgets, and they’re already strapped.
Bike repairs at the Evergreen Branch Library occur on a monthly basis.
EVERETT — Waits Motel demolition underway
A letter to the editor about the First Street template concepts presented by UW students in May.
EVERETT -- A petition circulating to raise Everett’s minimum wage
Everett Police were featured on “live cops”-style TV show
Game action from Sunday, June 9.
MONROE — The amazing world of a maker of huge items, largely from a one-person shop