

Waits Motel condemnation given formal OK

A 5-1 City Council vote last week to formally condemn the Waits Motel now leaves the site with few ways to avoid being repurposed.

More no-sit/no-lie zones in Everett

EVERETT -- Everett's mayor has set two new "no-sit/no-lie" zones along Evergreen Way around the south Everett Fred Meyer and in a multi-block area of north Everett around United Church of Christ at Everett and Rockefeller avenues, where a homeless shelter operates.

Fire District 4 seals Pine Avenue land buy

The final price was $6.35 million for Fire District 4 to buy the block of Pine Avenue between Third and Fourth streets.

Rail-to-trail project stuck in court for years

Snohomish County is closer to resolving the legal battle over the Eastside Rail Corridor, but there is still a long way to go.

Photographer’s eye for Snohomish’s barns is Aug. 5 art show

Tony Scoringe has snapped photographs all over the world.

Attempted robbery and shooting incident at Monroe’s Al Borlin Park

A 39-year-old Monroe man was injured in an attempted robbery and gunshot incident at Al Borlin Park the evening of Thursday, July 27

Get with neighbors for National Night Out on Aug. 1

Residents throughout Snohomish County will kick off August with a celebration.

In Monroe school board primary, two fell out of the race

Jeremiah Campbell, Crystal Blakely, Tiana Armstrong and Roy Sherrill are the four candidates who filed for the Monroe school board director of district 1

Nonprofit wants Everett law that bans addict aid centers from using 1st floor downtown reversed, city says no

A nonprofit that provides substance use disorder counseling would like the city to reverse its ban on having such services on the first floor of buildings in downtown.

Snohomish considers strategies for more housing

Six strategies to add a wider housing variety were vetted by the City Council last week, plus a few gave a request to look into one more.

Everett approves doubling Accessory Dwelling Units

The city will allow up to two accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in single-family residential zones, from a City Council vote last week

How you can help plan Snohomish's future... today

If you miss a chance to shape the future of this city, don’t blame Brooke Eidem.

'Tranq' sedative, cut into drugs, is now in Snohomish County

Street drugs cut with the powerful animal sedation drug nicknamed "tranq" haven't been formally detected in Snohomish County, the county's health officer said.

Waits Motel condemnation gets OK by council

Neighbors relieved, although motel recently had turnaround

The potential future owners of the Waits Motel were stunned by the city's plan to condemn, acquire and demolish the site

Four Monroe police officers honored with lifesaving award

Officers Shaun Van Eaton, Garret Winfrey, Luther Coleman, and retired Officer Max Michel were honored July 11