The jury trial began last week of Snohomish brewer Frank Sandoval, who is now accused of molesting two women and attempting to molest another while they were under 18.
There are now three, not one, underage girls tied into the case against Frank Sandoval, a brewer at SnoTown Brewery.
In his 15 years at Monroe High, Matt Chalfant has seen both ends of the inclusion spectrum.
In Chapter 11 bankruptcy documents filed last week, Rite Aid listed it will close its store at Evergreen Way and Everett Mall Way, another Lynnwood Bartell’s, and a Rite Aid in Mill Creek as part of its first wave of store closures.
The county has to rescind its rule that allowed more rural landowners to be able to build a second, smaller house anywhere on their property after a state board determined in June this conflicts with growth management land-use rules.
Everett residents got one more chance to hear from a bevy of candidates last week before receiving their ballot
The county’s highest-profile election this season has the current sheriff looking to be retained, and a former colleague looking to eject him.
It may surprise some voters to hear that school board candidates Chuck Whitfield and Melanie Ryan agree on similar issues.
A closure on Avenue D, a selection for the Everett School Board appointment, adults being surveyed, the passing of a former major Everett administration leader, and more:
Firefighter Nathan Flath opened all the hatches of Engine 41 last week ready for action.
Two Snohomish High grads, Rob Serviss and Tabitha Baty, are running for a school board seat being vacated by Sara Fagerlie.
Meth and fentanyl contamination prompted a red-tag on most units of the low-barrier Clare’s Place apartment complex, forcing the relocation of once-homeless tenants into a temporary village that was quickly erected late last week.
Though he’s not officially dropped out of the race, Monroe School Board candidate Andrew Fegler has decided not to campaign due to schedule constraints.
Educator Sherri Larkin, who came out on top of a tight three-way primary this August, is trying to unseat incumbent Sarah Adams, a licensed mental health counselor who was appointed to the board in summer 2022.
One of the city’s solutions for the residential street of Terrace Avenue is making it a “shared road” where oncoming cars have to pull over behind bikes and pedestrians.