

Traffic violation cameras to return to Monroe?

MONROE — Some council members gave comments last week that support the idea.

The man of Triangle Bait & Tackle of Snohomish

The owner of Triangle Bat & Tackle has spent his life serving the community, but after 43 years he is looking to relax.

Snohomish council may give official support to Port of Everett measure

SNOHOMISH — The Snohomish council may give official support to the Port of Everett district tax boundary expansion measure. Updated: Decision is July 16.

Snohomish to offer utility fee discount to many more residents

SNOHOMISH — Snohomish is expanding is utility fee discount to many more residents in single-family housing.

Monroe council declines to rescind marijuana ban

MONROE — The City Council deliberated and decided against the possibility of allowing marijuana retailers within city limits at its most recent meeting.

Public hearings in July include new sales tax measure

The Snohomish County Council will hold a public hearing of a proposition for the ballot for a new countywide sales and use tax of 0.2% to be used for public safety, health and criminal justice on Wednesday, July 10 at 10:30 a.m. on the 8th floor of the Robert J. Drewel Building, 3000 Rockefeller Ave., Everett.

West Coast Country Heat dancers to be in D-Day commemoration events

SNOHOMISH — The West Coast Country Heat team have been selected to perform at the international D-Day Memorial commemorative events in France in June 2025!

City of Snohomish may add rule to dedicate cash for public art when it constructs projects

SNOHOMISH — The City Council discussed implementing a Percent for the Arts initiative where 1% of the budget to construct city projects would be dedicated to adding public art.

Everet AquaSox versus Hillsboro Hops

Everett AquaSox action in the June 26 Tribune

Safety nets for SNAP food benefits being improved


A letter on SNAP benefits in the June 26 Tribune.

Tell Council not to voice support


A letter in the June 26th Tribune opposing an idea put forward to the City Council.

Splash pads help beat the heat

Splash pads help beat the heat

Updated: Layoffs cut deep at Everett's Herald and multiple Sound Publishing newspapers

The newsroom at the Herald had a large wave of layoffs and this week union members have been on strike.

Dairy farming is in transition in Snohomish County

Dairy farming in Snohomish County, as a whole, has less farms, but really the market is shifting for a number of reasons

Dairy farming in Snohomish County, as a whole, has less farms, but really the market is shifting for a number of reasons.

Summer meal programs keep kids fed in Snohomish County

Schools are letting out for the summer and local area children seeking a reliable source of food are eligible to participate in free summer meal programs. Information for Snohomish County.