To the Editor:
Mayor Franklin did the right thing by directing that additional reprieve be given to Hope ‘N Wellness — an important refuge that meets a significant need the city doesn’t and probably cannot meet (Feb. 19 Tribune). Zoning laws mustn’t be flouted. However, Everett elected’s inordinate focus on (and funding of) several misplaced priorities in recent years have exacerbated the very societal challenges Ms. Donahue is helping to mitigate with donations. As usual, red tape is in the crosshairs.
Everett’s been trying to revitalize downtown piecemeal since the Bicentennial. The new stadium will be another game changer. My family and friends travel through every day and agree progress has been made. But with significantly increased density comes coexistence with festering behavioral health, substance abuse, and homelessness problems.
The Tribune published Les Fetchko’s relevant homelessness experience in the same edition. Although I believe the Snohomish city campus project he referenced is excellent, getting something done with an eye toward the future, Les makes heavy-duty points concerning obvious disparities attending homelessness. The homelessness Les and others often have thrust upon them as crime victims and other tragedy or misfortune cannot be evaluated in the same light as the implacable homeless, living off the grid by choice courtesy of a largely unaccountable homeless industrial complex enabling bad behavior, engendering fear, and sapping municipal budgets. Follow the money, it shouldn’t be an industry.
Paul Keller
Inmate, Stafford Creek Corrections Center, Aberdeen
Formerly of Snohomish County