News bites for Jan. 22, 2025

Snohomish to add license-plate cams

SNOHOMISH — A plan is being made to add Flock-brand license plate reading cameras, which can aid in crime prevention when a car is being sought. Police Chief Nathan Alanis said he’d intend to place the cameras at city entryways. The recordings are kept private and retained for less than 90 days.

Everett has these already, and it’s led to successful arrests.

Phone, smartwatch, tablet limits in
 Snohomish schools approved

SNOHOMISH — Phones down: The school board voted 4-1 this month to set universal rules within the district regarding cell phone use during school hours.

Elementary students may only use cell phones or devices such as tablets or headphones before or after the bell.

Middle school and high school students may only use cell phones or personal electronic device›s before and after school, at lunch, and during transition periods between classes.

The rules go into effect with the start of the second semester Monday, Jan. 27.

Board member Jay Hagen gave the sole “no” vote, saying the policy needs to be stronger when students violate the rules.

Superintendent Kent Kultgen said he’d heard parents give comments both for and against the restrictions.

Emerging Leaders nominations

Know someone under 40 in Snohomish County making a difference? Nominations close Jan. 29 for CommonUnity’s Emerging Leaders awards.

An online shortlink to the nomination form is www.

Snohomish sign survey

SNOHOMISH — The city launched a survey that runs until Jan. 27 asking people about the myriad of sign styles around town. The city isn’t replacing current signs, but is using the survey to develop design standards for any future signs, it said. If you want to give thoughts, an online shortlink to the survey is