GroundFrog Day Jan. 25 to cheer Kla Ha Ya Days

SNOHOMISH ­— Snohomish’s annual weather predictiongathering, GroundFrog Day, will feature a preview of Kla Ha Ya Days. This year’s GroundFrog Day will be Saturday, Jan. 25 at noon outside the Carnegie Building, First and Cedar.

The event will be a platform for the official launch of Kla Ha Ya Days 2025, said co-organizer Bill Webster II. Organizers plan to announce this year’s scheduled events for Kla Ha Ya Days, and the nonprofits the summertime celebration will support.

Maybe it was a natural fit: Kla Ha Ya Days’ mascots Tad and Lil are frogs.

The organizers of Kla Ha Ya Days took over the event in a late handover from its longtime runner, the Snohomish Chamber of Commerce.

GroundFrog Day is a free event.