Thank you for recognizing people


To the Editor:

    Thanks for acknowledging those who passed away while homeless in our county over the last year (“Vigil on Dec. 20 honors rising number of people who died while homeless in Snohomish County,” Dec. 11 Tribune).  

    This is a stark reminder, including that life expectancy for those experiencing homelessness is estimated to be 25 years shorter than the average American’s. The rising number of deaths is a call to action to do something about this crisis at all levels of government.  The experts say more housing is needed and efforts to increase it locally are slowly working, nationally legislation has be introduced by Sen. Cantwell and Rep. DelBene.  Meantime, a renter tax credit would help keep those struggling with poverty housed, by not having to pay over 30% of their income for rent.  Expanding the SNAP program and the child tax credit will make a big difference.  All of these initiatives call for our support, reach out to those who represent us to make sure they pass these ladders out of poverty and homelessness.

Willie Dickerson
