Snohomish Fire needs more on crew


To the Editor:

    The prescient planning and fiscal stewardship of FD4 leadership have been exemplary in recent years. 

    The Citygate Associates Risk Assessment / Standards of Cover work was superb, honestly reporting that 24/7 staffing and efficacy are inadequate and response times unacceptably long because demands for service and alarm concurrency keep crews on their heels constantly. I’d more strongly emphasize that FD4’s geographic characteristics make it impractical and imprudent to rely on distant mutual aid that is often 15+ minutes out.

    Chief Don Waller was recently quoted as saying his priorities include creating “a better working environment for future fire generations” and providing the “best service to citizens” (Nov. 27 Tribune). He is doing so despite being saddled with perilously minimal staffing (it should be doubled).

    The current Strategic Plan references collaborating with an engaged community. Facts must guide any input from citizen panels. They must immerse themselves in FD4’s commendably comprehensive datasets and engage with crews. In the “room for improvement” category, some administrative staff are given to taciturn opacity, occasionally telling taxpayers, “we don’t answer questions.” That’s unacceptable.

Paul Keller

Inmate, Stafford Creek Corrections Center, Aberdeen

Formerly of Snohomish County