Recognize the need to preserve critical area buffers


To the Editor:
Urban wildlife is in our backyards these days. As more and more areas of urban and suburban development encroach inches closer towards old and pristine wetlands and woodlands, we have developed an impact unique to modern times — Urban Wildlife.
I use the term often to others in describing the merging of wildlife habitats with our new neighborhoods and communities.
Natural green belts and wetland landscapes are much needed, but additionally, we must not forget that many animals live in these environments: coyotes, river otters, beavers and sometimes even black bears and bobcats in broad daylight. Many critical birds, geese, and waterfowl also rest, nest and migrate through our limited neighborhood woods and wetlands.
Should we be surprised to see them? No. As the saying goes, they were here before us.
Further reductions will impact the survivability of many species.
Community leaders and citizens must continue to recognize and protect not just riparian zones, greenbelts, woodlands and wetlands but also protect the wildlife and habitats that those natural areas provide. We need to ensure no reduction in these boundaries to just provide more square feet of development.
Don’t be persuaded to reduce the current buffer zones, in fact increase them. We must ensure larger buffers of wetland and woodlands areas are not just protected but are promoted as a way of how we continue to live and grow in our natural environments.
If not, in the not too distance future, the wildlife, birds or waterfowl we are happy to occasionally see may one day be like the buffalo – gone.

Michael P. Lowell