County budget public hearings coming in October

County Executive Dave Somers has released his proposed 2025-2026 budget. Now, the public and County Council will evaluate.

A community budget forum will be Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 6 p.m. in the eighth floor of the Drewel Building on the County Campus, 3000 Rockefeller Ave., Everett.

Budget deliberations will be at 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 8 and 9, and at 9 a.m. on Oct 10 and 11. These meetings will be at the same place.

Final budget hearings will be Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. 

The five County Council members are actively discussing the budget. Typically, the Council approves a budget by the end of November.  

Somers’ proposed budget including all funds is $3 billion total for the next two years, and the proposed General Fund budget is $699 million.

Among the proposals in the Executive’s 2025-26 budget noted in a press release are: 

 • Over 75 percent of the General Fund is directed toward law and justice agencies, including the Sheriff’s Office and Courts, to maintain current service levels.  

•  Partially funding three new positions out of the general fund: one to ensure the county can meet requirements of a state law change on protection orders, another to ensure appropriate oversight of the county’s Enterprise Resource Planning replacement project, and a third to ensure radio capabilities are sustained in an emergency. No other new positions are paid for by the general fund in this proposed budget. 

• Preserving existing programs focused on addressing the drug crisis. 

• Providing direct health services through the Health Department, such as the STI Clinic that has served more than 1,000 people in 2024.