Gunfire: Late-night argument at Monroe's Lake Tye Park Tuesday escalated to several rounds being fired

Nobody hit by shots. Three Monroe High students arrested today.

MONROE -- An argument between teens Tuesday afterhours at the Lake Tye Park by the skate park parking lot escalated to someone firing several rounds, Monroe Police said.
The victim and three others involved are Monroe High students. Police arrested two juveniles and one adult Wednesday in association with the case for fourth-degree assault for causing minor injuries to the victim during the altercation, Monroe Police Cmdr. Paul Ryan said.
Nobody was shot, he said.
A passerby alerted police, who came to the scene but the students had split before police arrived. Police learned more Wednesday after a student spoke up to a Monroe High staff member.
They're still trying to figure out who fired the gun, Ryan said. 
A mix of males and females were at the scene, Ryan said.
The department is not yet releasing what type of gun shell casings were found in the parking lot or how many shots were fired, Ryan said.
The investigation has not ruled out gang activity, Ryan said. They are still investigating the cause of the situation.
Public safety cameras posted at Lake Tye Park corroborated the victim's statements that there was an altercation, Ryan said. The city put up the cameras about a year ago.