Many reasons to vote yes on Monroe Prop. 1


To the Editor:

    I’m voting yes for Monroe Proposition 1.

    The parks in Monroe are a treasure to our way of life.  But their beauty, availability, and safety take resources to maintain. Monroe Proposition 1 in November would provide funding to add 4 new parks maintenance workers and 2 new public safety officers.  

    Since 2008, the City has added 81 acres of parkland but only one new maintenance staff member. We have 288 acres and only 6 staff members to care for them. National standards say we should have three times this amount. 

    As for public safety, the two new positions increase the City’s ability to proactively provide basic public safety and code enforcement needed to maintain our quality of life. 

    For about an $11 a month increase in taxes to the average homeowner, we can continue to safely enjoy our wonderful parks and great quality of life. That is why I plan to vote yes for Proposition 1. 

    I invite you to join me in supporting our parks and police departments.

Becky Hasart


Context for readers: Hasart is a member of the pro committee for Monroe Prop. 1