City of Mukilteo launches survey on renaming Mukilteo Speedway

Mukilteo has put out a public survey on renaming the Mukilteo Speedway (state Route 525) between Beverly Park Road and 1st Street within Mukilteo.
The three-question survey is at
It will run until May 31.
The city is surveying on four rename ideas for the Speedway. They are:
* Mukilteo Lighthouse Parkway
* Mukilteo Point Elliott Highway
* Mukilteo Salish Highway
* Mukilteo Salish Sea Highway
The process for naming a state highway is administered by the Washington State Transportation Commission. If a name change is approved, properties currently addressed with "Mukilteo Speedway" would need to update their information to reflect the new address after the City readdresses those properties.
"We are excited to engage the community in this exciting opportunity," stated Mayor Joe Marine. "The name Mukilteo Speedway never quite made much sense to me, so I am glad we are looking at alternatives that better reflect the character of Mukilteo."
Despite numerous external analyses conducted over the years, the city isn't clear on the origin of the name "Mukilteo Speedway." Various sources have attributed the name to different reasons.