Snohomish Lions close gap for future Teen Center

Receiving the check on behalf of the Snohomish Boys & Girls Club is Club Director CJ Freeman and the Chair of the Teen Center Addition Fundraising Committee, Marty Robinett. Holding the check is Lions
District Governor Joel Haggen and Snohomish Lions President Cyndy Ottaway.

Receiving the check on behalf of the Snohomish Boys & Girls Club is Club Director CJ Freeman and the Chair of the Teen Center Addition Fundraising Committee, Marty Robinett. Holding the check is Lions District Governor Joel Haggen and Snohomish Lions President Cyndy Ottaway.

SNOHOMISH — The Snohomish Lions Club, at its March 4 meeting, was very pleased to present a check in the amount of $75,000 to the Snohomish Boys and Girls Club to assist in the building of their new Teen Center.
According to Marty Robinett, the Chair of the Teen Addition Fundraising Committee, the check closed the gap and enabled the groundbreaking to begin.
Interestingly, the Lions Club also contributed to the opening of the existing building and were present at the groundbreaking ceremony on Sept. 6, 2003.
The addition of this new center will give our teens their own space where they can interact in a fun environment with their friends. Executive Director CJ Freeman is hopeful that the Teen Center will be open until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights, providing teens with a safe environment.
— Contributed by Lion Vicki Adams