To the Editor:
Speaking to those responsible for striping all the roadways of Washington State, for the complex and difficult work of ensuring that all state routes, Interstates, county, city and other roadways of Washington State are properly striped I have great respect.
Why do the roadways show the following signs?
• Lack of striping altogether
• Heavily faded striping
• Completely faded striping
• Lack of retroreflectivity
• Almost total invisibility of striping at night with light rain
• Interference of road repairs or sealing with visibility of striping
• Low quality of paint (in my opinion a 3 out of 10)
Please begin at once.
Please don’t make excuses e.g. not enough money, not enough men, not enough paint, not enough warm weather, etc.
Please don’t transfer blame e.g. county says it is the city’s job; city says it is the state’s job; state says it is the county’s job, etc.
Silas Powers