Bike repair classes

Jonathan Ortega, 15,  looks on as bike tech Jeff Siddons installs a new chain on Jonathan’s bike at the free drop-in repair clinic on Tuesday afternoon at the Evergreen Branch Library in Everett. Jonathan was there with his sister Ali, their 
younger brother and their dad.  ”We want to learn how to do this, all the kids are getting their bike fixed up,” the dad said,
The organization Sharing Wheels conducts a bike repair clinic at the Evergreen Branch Library, 9512 Evergreen Way, monthly on the second Tuesday from 3 to 6 p.m. The next one is July 9.
Sharing Wheels itself, at 2531 Broadway (access in the alleyway), also offers repair classes. See

Jonathan Ortega, 15, looks on as bike tech Jeff Siddons installs a new chain on Jonathan’s bike at the free drop-in repair clinic on Tuesday afternoon at the Evergreen Branch Library in Everett. Jonathan was there with his sister Ali, their younger brother and their dad. ”We want to learn how to do this, all the kids are getting their bike fixed up,” the dad said, The organization Sharing Wheels conducts a bike repair clinic at the Evergreen Branch Library, 9512 Evergreen Way, monthly on the second Tuesday from 3 to 6 p.m. The next one is July 9. Sharing Wheels itself, at 2531 Broadway (access in the alleyway), also offers repair classes. See