County opens secure elections center

County auditor Garth Fell (center) cuts the ribbon to celebrate the center’s opening. To immediate left is County Executive Dave Somers, to immediate right is County Councilman and state Rep. Sam Low.

County auditor Garth Fell (center) cuts the ribbon to celebrate the center’s opening. To immediate left is County Executive Dave Somers, to immediate right is County Councilman and state Rep. Sam Low.
Photo courtesy Snohomish County Auditor’s Office

Snohomish County Auditor Garth Fell hosted local officials, community leaders, and the media at a ribbon cutting ceremony and tour of the County’s new Elections Center July 9.
The Elections Center houses all ballot processing and counting operations for Snohomish County. The County designed the facility to efficiently meet production needs this Presidential year and beyond; to improve security of ballots and staff; and to enhance observation opportunities for the public and transparency of the process.
The event included remarks from Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers, Chair of the Snohomish County Council Jared Mead, Councilmember Sam Low, County Prosecutor Jason Cummings, and the President of the League of Women Voters. The ribbon cutting was followed by a guided tour of the Elections Center led by Auditor Fell.
“As we head into a year where elections are front and center, this facility provides the space, security, and transparency we need to deliver top-notch elections for Snohomish County voters, and it demonstrates the County’s ongoing commitment to accurate, fair elections,” Fell said.
Located on the third floor of the Admin West Building at the Snohomish County campus (3000 Rockefeller Ave., Everett), the remodeled space adds 17,000 square feet specifically dedicated to processing ballots. The facility design ensures all process steps from the checking of signatures on ballot envelopes to counting ballots can be performed in secure spaces on one floor.
The Elections Center also includes an observer loop that allows candidates, political party members and the public to easily monitor activities. After checking in at the Election Center entrance, observers can freely walk the observer loop, see staff processing ballots, and read instructional posters that explain the steps in counting ballots. Open ceilings provide additional transparency, allowing observers to see all the data lines and duct work.
By bringing together all aspects of elections administration under the same roof, the Elections Center increases efficiency and streamlines support from other county offices and departments located on the main county campus such as the IT Department and Sheriff’s Office. Prior to the Elections Center, Snohomish County had to lease office space off campus, increasing costs and making the elections process less efficient and accessible.
Voter turnout in Presidential elections averages over 80% for Snohomish County. Nearly 450,000 ballots were cast by voters in the 2020 Presidential Election. During the past two presidential elections, Snohomish County leased temporary spaces to accommodate the increased turnout and ballots to count. These leased spaces required one-time investments for facility and security improvements.
The budget to complete the Elections Center was approximately $8.6 million and was funded by federal grants and money specifically set aside by county officials over the course of several years to invest in elections-related capital improvements.