NEWS BITES for July 10, 2024

New world record in Monroe
MONROE — Local stunt daredevil Mr. Dizzy outdid himself July 4, creating a new world record at Evergreen Speedway for jumping a limousine off a ramp.
The Lincoln Town Car stretched limo flew nearly 165
feet — about 60 feet beyond the official record of 103 feet, according to the speedway.
Mr. Dizzy is Mike Buse of Monroe. His day job is being the owner of Genesis Heating Cooling and Refrigeration.
The Guinness World Records’s official longest limo jump was 103 feet, done in 2002. But Buse already beat that in 2008 with a jump of 107.6 feet for a show on TV and more recently with a limo jump of 137 feet.

Bigfoot soccer tournament coming
SNOHOMISH — Soccer families from across the region will convene in Snohomish for the annual Bigfoot Soccer Tournament coming on the weekends of July 19-22 and July 26-29. Traffic on Lincoln Avenue near the soccer fields south of Lincoln Avenue and First Street will be impacted.

Future Everett bridge open house
EVERETT — The city of Everett intends to construct a bridge to reach its future Everett Point Industrial Center, also known as EPIC, along the riverfront near the east end of Everett Avenue. The exact bridge route is still being determined.
The city intends to make the site its future home for its Public Works operations. It bought the 30 acres of land a little under 20 years ago.
An open house about the bridge plan will be Thursday,
July 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the commission meeting room of the Snohomish PUD (2320 California St., Everett).

Opposition to port resolution heard
SNOHOMISH — A group of residents told the City Council to say no to having council declare support for the Port of Everett’s Prop. 1 measure. The vote will be at the Tuesday, July 16 meeting at 6 p.m., where public comments can be given.

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