Opinions sought on Flowing Lake’s future new dock

A board of options and ideas for the dock as presented Feb. 22.

A board of options and ideas for the dock as presented Feb. 22.
Photo by Michael Whitney.

SNOHOMISH — Flowing Lake’s floating dock needs to be replaced. The wooden dock’s surface is starting to get holes.
In a few years, though, a sturdy aluminum dock should be in its place. The future dock would have the same horseshoe shape, and would be at least the same width as the current one, park planning supervisor Rachel Dotson said.
There are concepts to add better benches and special dock extensions for fishing.
Another idea adds a launch point for kayaks that would be accessible for wheelchair users. Users place their watercraft on a floating platform, and then maneuver themselves into it to launch off.
Dotson and her colleagues are looking to hear what people want between now and April.
An open house was held Thursday, Feb. 22 inside the Northwest Stream Center at McCollum Park, and another open house is scheduled for April 11.
In the meantime, people can contribute comments through a survey online at www.surveymonkey.com/r/T9F8X92  now through March 22.
The county plans to apply for $500,000 in state Recreation and Conservation Office grant funds toward the dock. The county has set aside $500,000 in matching dollars to make the budget $1 million, Dotson said.
The new dock could be built by 2027, Dotson said.
A few people interested in the dock came to last week’s open house covering multiple parks projects. Many more came to see plans for a new pickleball court and playground improvements at Martha Lake Park and Martha Lake Airport Park, both in the Lynnwood area.
An accessible kayak launch at Flowing Lake Park would be the first of its kind in the county’s parks, parks spokeswoman Rose Intveld said.
Next month, county parks staff plan to present on projects local to Snohomish at the Wednesday, March 27 Snohomish parks board meeting.