Everett Park District hearing continued to March 5

EVERETT — The city’s Planning Commission is continuing a hearing in March over a planned development in north Everett’s Delta neighborhood.
The project, known as the Park District, consists of 1,500 homes, 20,200 square feet of retail/restaurant space, 24,000 square feet of office space and a 1.5-acre park developed by the Everett Housing Authority, which is planning to have the project complete in 10 years. It will be placed on approximately 16 acres of the former Baker Heights public housing site.
The Park District proposal calls for four buildings of up to 15 stories.
Planning commission chair Demi Chatters noted a letter provided by the Delta Neighborhood Association and followed up on the letter. “How will height impact surrounding properties?” Chatters asked.
“The height has been a significant part of the debate,” said city planning director Yorik Stevens-Wajda. “I encourage people to look at the whole package.”
In a nearly three-hour meeting Feb. 20, planning commissioners pored over details of the Park District plan touching upon a variety of issues including property values, parking issues, future housing needs, and retail business, sustainability and energy efficiency.
“I’m kind of frustrated that all of these questions are coming about now,” said Sonja Bodge, vice-chair of the Delta Neighborhood Association. “We are living in the unknown every day.”
Jill Wubbenhorst was concerned where sales tax revenue will go. “Northern Broadway cannot sustain businesses.”
She noted the Bartell Drugs in north Everett closed and her sales taxes will go to Marysville and Tulalip. “I truly believe sales tax will not stay in North Everett.”
Jacob Skinner supported the project. He said it creates growth to the economic base and addresses the shortage of housing in the city.
Ryan Weber noted a historic lack of investment in the Delta Neighborhood.
Weber added, “Delta is proud of its low-income heritage, and we welcome more housing when it’s paired with investment in community services and infrastructure.”
The Planning Commission decided to continue the public hearing at a meeting March 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council chambers. 3002 Wetmore Ave.
Information about the project can be found on a city web page at www.everettwa.gov/2941/Everett-Housing-Authority-Park-District-

Prior coverage

 EVERETT — The Delta Neighborhood’s leadership is petitioning city officials to commit to fixing deficits in local infrastructure to accommodate the level of growth proposed to be created by the Everett Housing Authority's Parks District apartments before it approves the proposal.

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