Snohomish's Historical Society group has reawakened


To the Editor:

    Thank you for covering the Snohomish council’s discussion of future property surplus plans (April 10 Tribune) when the new city campus is occupied, estimated to be around 2027.

    I watched the Council meeting on Zoom and had to snicker to myself, as a past president of our historical society, when I heard Councilmember David Flynn say he was not for selling the city hall building, but for finding a nonprofit organization, like an “Historical Society” to use it!

    My first response to Mr. Flynn is to look no further than the McMenamins Anderson School in Bothell for an example of how imaginative and sensitive the profit motive can be in reusing historical property, and in ways that contribute to economic vitality. Way beyond even the dreams of any local historical society I’ve known, especially ours, the keepers of the Blackman House Museum. 

    The Snohomish Historical Society is relearning how to get dressed in the morning following its hibernation of a dozen or so years. Laura Knudson has rallied a group of residents to form a board of directors and they are breathing new life into the organization.

    Laura, the president of the Snohomish Historical Society, has called for a full membership meeting on Sunday afternoon April 21 at 3 p.m. at the Waltz Building on Avenue B. 

Warner Blake
