Monroe urban growth plans to be studied

MONROE —  The City Council this week after press time reviewed two “what-if” map scenarios to fit 2,888 more housing units, or potentially 7,500 more residents, in the next 20 years.
One scenario emphasizes growth in the central downtown area by upzoning it.
The other spreads growth in a wider area of the city.
Both scenarios target allowing more mixed-use development along the spine of W. Main Street, which part of the stretch already is zoned to allow. Mixed-use allows commercial businesses and residential units together in one building.
The scenarios suggest upzoning in areas including north of U.S. 2, as well as 179th Street and W. Main Street.
The “triangle” of 179th, state Route 522 and U.S. 2 would be targeted for denser zoning. The wide area of west Monroe from the Fryelands to 179th Avenue SE could increase its density.
Neither scenario is final, but will be refined in coming months. One suggestion, for example, puts a mixed-use area near Monroe High.
People will be asked for more comments on the suggestions during the winter and spring.
A resulting recommendation may come out by the summer as part of the city’s Comprehensive Plan update.
The city would need to increase zoning density somewhere to meet the expected population needs. Its current zoning cannot, a consultant told the planning commission last month.
Recordings of council meetings are available on YouTube on the city’s official channel at
The city’s planning commission also discussed the scenarios at its Oct. 23 meeting. A recording of that meeting is also available on the city’s YouTube channel.
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