News Bites for Nov. 15 Tribune

AROUND SNOHOMISH COUNTY — The Monroe IHOP's opening month is set, a repeal of the city's pet licensing law is asked, a new date for the Sandoval trial, and Snohomish property tax increase details:

Monroe IHOP to open soon at last
MONROE — December is when the Monroe IHOP opens, a sign in the window says. The owners have been remodeling the old Denny’s at Kelsey Street and U.S. 2 for months.
People have been asked when the IHOP opens for a while. One jokester online quipped back, “7 a.m.”
In related food news: An Indian food restaurant, Kadhai, is coming to 116 E. Main St. It takes over the site vacated by The Amarillo. Years ago, it was The Chopping Block Tavern.

Repeal of pet licensing law sought
MONROE — The Monroe Police Department is asking to have the city law that dogs and cats be licensed repealed.
The City Council will consider it this week after press time, and is scheduled to have its second reading of the ordinance and possible vote Nov. 28.
Pet license laws first were implemented to track rabies cases and compile info to help re-home lost pets. Considering pet owners don’t always license their pets, and engraved animal nametags often include phone numbers, “the cost and regulatory burden of animal licensing in the City of Monroe outweighs any benefit provided,” the chief wrote in his request.

 Standard property tax increase planned for Snohomish

SNOHOMISH — A majority of City Council members are favoring a recommendation to increase the baseline property tax amount by 1%. A vote and public hearing is anticipated to happen at the Nov. 21 City Council meeting.
The 1% increases the baseline the city can calculate for taxes. It is not equivocal to a 1% increase on your property tax bill.
Past councils have occasionally skipped taking the 1%.

New date for Sandoval trial
SNOHOMISH — The jury trial for brewer Frank Sandoval is now rescheduled to Wednesday, Nov. 22 before Snohomish County Superior Court Judge George Appel.
Prosecutors accuse Sandoval of molesting two females and attempting to molest another while they were under 18.
Two women came forward last year while the court case was ongoing. This paused court proceedings for months to investigate the two women’s claims. Additional charges came forward in October. Sandoval’s defense attorney wrote the state is springing the additional charges last minute right before trial, and sought additional time to develop their rebuttal case. Judge Marybeth Dingledy denied the request last week.
Sandoval is a co-owner of SnoTown Brewery on Second Street.

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