EVERETT — The state’s drug possession law is currently set to expire July 1.
Gov. Jay Inslee last week ordered state lawmakers to a special session starting May 16 to try again.
If no state law materializes, though, Everett now has one just in case.
The City Council voted 4-3 last week to make it a gross misdemeanor to possess drugs, other than cannabis, within city limits starting July 1. Offenders would be diverted to treatment.
A minority of council members asked to postpone until the state acts. A vote to table the ordinance failed 3-4.
Councilwoman Mary Fosse questioned what purpose Everett has in making its own law when state Legislators will be convening soon.
“We can’t continue to arrest our way out of this problem, that’s like the old ‘War on Drugs,’” Fosse also said.
Councilman Don Schwab supported a local ordinance. “For me, this is about intervention, and it adds a tool for law enforcement,” he said.
Fosse, Paula Rhyne and Liz Vogeli were outvoted.
Everett’s law would be overruled by any state-level law on drug possession if one comes. Inslee thinks one will.
Everett’s ordinance does not address possessing drug paraphernalia.
Countywide drug possession bill hearing
A public hearing on a countywide drug possession bill is set for May 17 at 10:30 a.m. If passed, it would go into effect July 1.