Next Monroe Schools superintendent’s salary is $273,000

MONROE —  Incoming school superintendent Shawn Woodward is eager to start July 1.
Last week the school board inked a three-year job contract with him. Woodward will be paid $273,000 a year to start.
The salary is a little higher than what the district paid past superintendents but is comparable, human resources director Dan Johnston said. The salary is less than what Snohomish and Lake Stevens pays but above smaller Stanwood and Arlington.
The district inserted safeguards in the contract in case of separation. Any severance payout would be negotiated, Johnston said. Past practice gave a golden parachute of 12 months if terminated with or without cause. Superintendent Justin Blasko’s exit cost $396,000 from the district’s general fund.
After Blasko, interim superintendents led. Woodward is coming from the Mead School District to take over as permanent superintendent. Woodward cheered the board’s 4-0 vote, saying with relief he can tell his wife they can sell their Spokane home.

Past coverage:

  MONROE — Shawn Woodward, currently the schools superintendent in a district north of Spokane, was selected by the school board last week to be Monroe's next superintendent starting July 1.

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