City of Monroe seeks planning input

MONROE — The 2044 Comprehensive Plan will analyze population and employment growth, housing, transportation, parks, the environment, and many other features to guide development and decision-making in the future.
Input from the community is essential to the development of the vision, goals, and policy statements. You are invited to participate in this community-wide discussion to help update existing policies, create new policies, and create actions for a wide range of topics. This process represents an opportunity for the business community and residents, regardless of income, education, ethnicity or race to share their ideas for the future of Monroe, both in terms of near-term actions and a long-term vision.
The Comprehensive Plan touches many topic areas like where and how housing can be built, where new commercial businesses or centers are needed, how the road network can better accommodate vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians, how parks can be enhanced, how critical services and infrastructure can be improved, and how shorelines and other critical resources can be protected.
For more information or to get involved, please visit