Community Transit route reshape proposed to focus on 2024, meetings coming up

Community Transit is proposing transit changes for “2024 and beyond” that would increase frequencies on local bus service and include connections to light rail in Snohomish County.
The agency is asking people who live and travel in Snohomish County to provide feedback on the proposed transit changes now through March 4. The plan increases bus frequency and shortens wait times for riders by more than doubling the number of routes with 30-minute or better frequency and tripling the number of routes with 20-minute or better frequency on weekdays.
More details are available at

Community Transit staff will be available to answer questions about the plan in person and online at two events:
• Wednesday, Feb. 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m.: Cascade High School in the cafeteria, 801 E Casino Road, Everett. Sound Transit’s Everett Link Extension Public Scoping Meeting. Community Transit will host a table at this meeting.
• Thursday, Feb. 16, 6-7 p.m., Webinar and Q&A: Community Transit will host a webinar and Q&A on Zoom to present information about the transit changes and answer your questions.
Zoom information:
Webinar ID: 850 5033 8265, Passcode: 324960
Or by telephone: +1 253 215 8782, Webinar ID: 850 5033 8265, Passcode: 324960