Mayor Franklin hires retired Chief Templeman for vacant senior administration role

EVERETT —  Retired Police Chief Dan Templeman has joined Mayor Cassie Franklin’s administration as one of her two senior executive directors.
He’ll be alongside Lori Cummings, whose role to senior executive director was expanded after Deputy Mayor Nick Harper left the city in mid-October.
Templeman was offered the appointment last week, city spokeswoman Simone Tarver said. His first day was Monday.
He retired from being Everett’s police chief Oct. 31.
In an internal message to employees, Franklin said that in Templeman’s career at Everett Police, “he gained experience not only in law enforcement, but also in government administration, labor relations, intergovernmental relations, community engagement and advocacy. His 30+ years of experience at the city and strong relationships throughout our community make him very prepared to step into this leadership position.”
In a press release, Franklin said that “Dan is an extraordinary leader and I’m thrilled to have him join our team in this new capacity. As we tackle issues like crime and fentanyl, his decades of experience in law enforcement will be invaluable.”
Harper gave his resignation Oct. 16 and left three days later. His resignation letter to city’s human resources director, which the city produced from a records request, thanked the city for the opportunity.
Franklin hired Harper, a former state lawmaker, to a senior post for the start of her mayorship in 2018.