Providence nurses reach tentative agreement

EVERETT —  Providence nurses have reached a tentative agreement after negotiations finished Friday, Dec. 1, according to the union.
The union, UFCW 3000, said in an update online that it pressured Providence Regional Medical Center Everett “to accept many of our staffing concepts, including a staffing premium.”
The pay premium activates to make up for when a unit is under-staffed against standard nurse-patient ratios, which in other words is the union asking to give nurses higher pay during a shorthanded shift to compensate for managing extra patient loads.
Providence nurses are being asked to decide on the new contract Friday, Dec. 15.
Other wage increases and bonuses also are part of the package.
The hospital and union were able to agree to giving a $1,200 automatic bonus for any Providence Everett nurses who have been working there prior to June 2020. It is what Providence had offered for legacy nurses. The union had sought a $7,500 legacy bonus for this group.

The base pay rate for nurses would be $43.91 per hour, equal to Swedish-Edmonds Hospital, up from the current $37.71 per hour.
The negotiations also resulted in “binding mediation for unresolved chronic staffing issues,” the union said in its update, which was something previously agreed on.
Last week’s round of negotiations involved a federal mediator, the union said.
The nurses conducted a strike Nov. 14 to Nov. 19 after not coming to a contract agreement with Providence. Their contract had expired Oct. 30.