Pilchuck Park to be closed for many weeks

SNOHOMISH —  Pilchuck Park will be closing April 24 so the city can relocate the entry road. The closure is through part of the summer.
The full closure is because there is no other entrance. The public can neither drive in nor walk in to the park at 169 Cypress Avenue.
A construction flyer went out recently.
The park is one of Snohomish's most popular sports recreation and relaxation spots. However, the eroding riverbank has been inching closer each year to the road that curves at the riverbend.
Relocating the road by 50 feet would entail removing trees along the road, relocating utilities, a parking lot reconfiguration, relocating the pedestrian trail, filling, grading, paving and striping.
A future project to reinforce the slopebank is in the pipeline to prevent further erosion.
The park’s closure had been predicted for months for spring, but until this week clearer dates weren’t known.
Crews hope to finish by mid-June if all goes well.
The sport playfields will be closed during the entirety of the construction project. The city planned to do surface improvements to the sport courts while they are inactive.
Dirt will be placed in the area next to the inner curve of the current road to regrade the area and construct the new section of access road.
Cypress Avenue will not be affected by the closure.
The river bank reinforcement would involve the installation of large woody debris, water diversion, plantings, and slope work.