Mini-golf tournament organizer Cody Gemmer (at right) smiles for a group photo with Dan Wartelle, executive director of The First Tee of Greater Seattle, and Stubby Stocker of Snohomish Valley Golf Center.
SNOHOMISH — Cody Gemmer sports lofty goals for Caddy Brite, his nascent shoe and golf-bag cleaning spray.
“My dream is to have it become the biggest golf cleaner in the world,” he said, and with a grin quipped, “I’m interested in world domination.”
Gemmer is the founder and driving force behind the second annual Caddy Brite Classic mini-golf tournament, a public tournament slated for 3 - 5 p.m. Thursday, July 14 at the Snohomish Valley Golf Center, 8511 Marsh Road, Snohomish.
“He pretty well does the whole tournament by himself,” said Stubby Stocker, co-owner of the golf center. “It’s pretty impressive.”
Gemmer started the event to promote Caddy Brite and raise money for The First Tee of Greater Seattle, a nonprofit that builds character through golf. He donates 60 percent of tournament proceeds to the organization.
Last year’s inaugural Classic raised $530. The goal this year is $700 with the addition of a silent auction.
The tournament “is not about me,” Gemmer, of Snohomish, said. “It’s all about paying it forward.”
“He always wants to do something for someone else,” says Gemmer’s mother, Tammy. “He’s very passionate about this charity.”
Cody, 27, has used a wheelchair since birth. He set a goal to “do something worthwhile” before reaching 30.
After stints in improvisational comedy and radio, he landed a job with Quick n Brite, a Mountlake Terrace company that makes environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.
Gemmer approached owner Larry Gourlie a couple years ago with the idea for Caddy Brite.
“I noticed there were a lot of sprays on Amazon but they were super expensive,” Gemmer said. An eight-ounce bottle of Caddy Brite retails for about $10.
Gourlie agreed not only to produce Caddy Brite, but to grant Gemmer rights to the brand in perpetuity.
Gemmer sells Caddy Brite on Amazon, but also in-person at golf tournaments and events.
“Cody’s extremely smart. He’s just strapped to a bad body,” Gourlie said. “He gives all his money away. He loves going to tournaments and just talking to people.”
During the Caddy Brite Classic “it’d be nice if people stopped by and said hello,” Gourlie continued, “even if they don’t buy anything.”
The cost to play in the event that afternoon is built into the price of a round of mini-golf at the center: $10 adults, or $8 for seniors or youth 12 and under. Advance registration is not necessary, just show up. Last year’s champion Claire Kather is expected to defend her crown.
For more information, call the Snohomish Valley Golf Center at 360-568-2493.
Followup: The tournament raised $1,300
It blew its previous record. The CaddyBrite Mini-Golf Tournament collected $1,300 this year, said Wayne Fjelstad, who is involved with the tournament. Cody Gemmer organized the tournament. ––Published in July 20 Tribune.