SNOHOMISH — Protecting and adding to urban tree canopies should be a new section written into the county’s general planning policy book, says The League of Women Voters of Snohomish County.
The group developed a recommendation along these lines which it has submitted to county officials two weeks ago.
The comprehensive plan is currently being extensively updated. The plan outlines the framework and direction on how the county grows and develops over the next 20 years in multiple areas: transportation, housing, parks, land use and the natural environment.
(A public input period on the comprehensive plan lasts through Feb. 25 at )
The league calls for the county to commit to an urban forest management program, to promote appropriate urban tree management practices, and more.
“Urban forests and tree canopy are necessary for healthy communities and sustainable communities. Responding to the climate change crisis requires doing more than just protecting forested areas in regulated critical areas and buffers,” the league submitted in a letter to county officials two weeks ago asking the policy be added.
The Snohomish City Council was the latest body to endorse the league’s letter with a vote last week.
Snohomish tree canopy
Separately, the city of Snohomish will pursue a state Department of Natural Resources grant for making a database of its own tree canopy.
If selected for the forestry grant, the city can use geographic mapping to make a general inventory “about all trees in the public right-of-way and parks properties,” city planner Brooke Eidem said. The database work could start as soon as late summer if Snohomish wins the grant.