Roosters spared full ban in Everett animal code

EVERETT — Rewritten rules for animal management in Everett now mean roosters are banned unless the owners pay for a facility license, among other changes.
Councilwoman Mary Fosse, who has a bantam rooster, asked for an amendment to still allow roosters if the owner pays a license fee, which won a 5-2 approval at the Nov. 30 council meeting. The rule sunsets in 12 months.
Everett Animal Shelter manager Glynis Frederiksen said they get a couple of rooster noise complaints a week.
The code changes also make it a cruelty crime to crop any dog’s ears, dock the tails of puppies after their first week of birth, or remove vocal cords by anyone other than a licensed veterinarian. Pet stores also now cannot sell dogs, cats or rabbits, although the city found no stores in city limits do this anyway.