Lake Tye Park memorial statue "Kaci at the Bat" vandalized

The severed end of the bat in the statue’s hands last week.

The severed end of the bat in the statue’s hands last week.
Photo by Michael Whitney.

MONROE — Somebody broke and took half the bronze bat from the hands of a girl memorialized in the statue at Lake Tye Park. The girl’s name is Kaci Edelbrock, a softball competitor who lost her life at age 6 in an accident.
Monroe Police are investigating but are pining for clues.
The theft was during the evening hours of July 27, or early morning on July 28, Police Department spokesman Cmdr. Paul Ryan said.
“Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the bat is encouraged to call 911 to speak with an officer. There is currently no suspect information or leads associated with the case,” Ryan said by email.
The bronze statue was made as a donation and unveiled a mere 10 months ago. Its title is “Kaci at the Bat” and it stands at the perimeter of Lake Tye Park’s baseball fields.
Kaci was one of two family members who died from injuries in a catastrophic motorhome accident on Interstate 90. A blown tire caused the circumstances of the fatal 2018 crash.
After the tragedy, the family has created a growing tree of charitable projects under Kaci’s name: One gives teddy bears to fire departments and medical services; another gives an annual scholarship to a Monroe High senior; another delivers backpacks to students in need; yet another gives kindness cards.


 Michael Whitney photo